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Hogwarts Legacy Game Launch is a referendum on J.K. Rowling.Hogwarts Legacy, new video game stemming from author J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter fiction, is launching this week to big controversy.
19 Years Later Archives - The-Leaky-Cauldron.19 years later, the fear that Harry s son Albus expressed to his father on Platform 9 3/4 is realised: He is sorted into Slytherin. And he chafes in the shadow of his famous father. What happens next plays out in Harry P
Contests Archives - The-Leaky-Cauldron.orgCongratulations to Seth Rappaport, who submitted the winning essay in our Back-to-Hogwarts essay contest, in which we invited you to wax rhapsodic on why you look forward to returning to Hogwarts (or the wizarding school
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